The single portions
Small portions are increasingly loved by consumers and reflect a change in the habits of families and society itself. For this reason, for the past few years, our company has also successfully entered the production of single-portion buckets. The choice is also popular because, in addition to meeting our customers’ needs, it is practical and makes it suitable for avoiding unnecessary waste while respecting the environment. The line comes in 200 g and 450 g formats in oil, with the references covering all product lines (sea, land, olives, stuffed, sauces and patés). The line is also enriched with formats in MAP, an innovative packaging method that allows minimal amounts of oil to be used for preservation, enabling the products to maintain their organoleptic properties. The standard format is 150 g, but it can vary according to customer needs, countries, targets and markets in which they operate, for which we develop ad hoc solutions.

Seafood salad “Superior”

Seafood salad

Seafood salad with vegetables

Seafood salad with vegetables “Delicious”

Seafood appetizer “Tasty”

Octopus salad

Octopus salad with green olives

Marinated anchovy fillets

Baby cuttlefish in oil

Musky octopus in oil

Mussels in oil

Crab-flavoured Surimi

Shrimp-flavoured Surimi

Grilled aubergines

Grilled courgettes

Grilled artichokes

Grilled Champignon Mushrooms

Grilled pepper

Grilled onions

Sun-dried tomatoes

Semi-dried cherry tomatoes

Yellow semi-dried cherry tomatoes

Artichokes “Contadina”

Mixed Mushrooms

Mediterranean Antipasto

Aubergines Fillets

Black “Monacale” Olives

Baked black olives

Pitted green olives

Green Olives “della Nonna”

Speck rolls with cheese

Aubergines rolls with vegetables

Peppers rolls with vegetables

Chili peppers with tuna

Chili peppers with cheese

Capricciosa salad